FairtradeFairtrade ChocolateSocial PremiumShopping can change the worldWhat can I do?Social Premium

Fairtrade ChocolateSocial premiumShopping can change the worldWhat can I do?


When you buy Dubble and Divine, you know that the 65,000 cocoa farmers of the Kuapa Kokoo Co-operative in Ghana (West Africa) are guaranteed a fair and stable price for their crop.

The Fairtrade guaranteed price for cocoa is $2000 per tonne of cocoa (about £71 per sack) plus another $200 per tonne Fairtrade social premium (approx £7 per sack).

Importantly, because Kuapa Kokoo is a co-operative of farmers, farmers can get a better price for their cocoa - read more about this in the Dubble Story section. This means that farming communities can cover their costs and plan for the future. Also, Kuapa Kokoo farmers are never cheated when their cocoa is weighed at the scales. The recorder for Kuapa Kokoo, who weighs the cocoa, can be trusted because s/he is elected by the Kuapa Kokoo farmers. Farmers can also check the weighing scales at anytime.


Big chocolate companies try to maximise profit for their shareholders, by keeping their production costs low. Because they buy literally mountains of cocoa beans, big chocolate companies have big buying power and this means they can drive down the cost of buying the cocoa beans from the farmers. But Divine Chocolate Ltd who makes Dubble and Divine is different because it is the first farmer-owned chocolate company in the UK. Read more in the Dubble Story section.

"Fairtrade is a good thing for farmers like me. We earn more, but it also means we get help and advice with farming practices and learn new skills, becoming better farmers."  Addae Mensah Joseph – Kuapa Kokoo cocoa farmer